[Insight-users] [Insight-developers] CMake config problem: ITK + GDCM 2 + VTK

Mathieu Malaterre mathieu.malaterre at gmail.com
Sat Jul 17 17:17:50 EDT 2010

Hi Stephen,

  Here is how the cmake/gdcm config/use file is setup:

$ cat /usr/lib/gdcm-2.0/UseGDCM.cmake
  # Use VTK.
      MESSAGE("VTK not found in GDCM_VTK_DIR=\"${GDCM_VTK_DIR}\".")

  This setting is required since vtkgdcm class derives from vtk
classes. This means compilation would fails if the VTK header would
not be found. Therefore I believe this is a requirement for vtkgdcm
module to pull in vtk cmake setting.

  Could you please recommend another way for doing this ?

Thanks for your comments !

On Sat, Jul 17, 2010 at 7:16 PM, Stephen Aylward
<stephen.aylward at kitware.com> wrote:
> Yeah - that's probably it.
> I could add a AND NOT GDCM_USE_VTK to the VTK_VERSION test in the
> MetaIO CMakeLists.txt file..ugly ugly ugly.
> I'd rather GDCM didn't export VTK's variables, but I guess it is
> necessary if the libraries it exports now depend on VTK.  However, if
> GDCM_USE_VTK only creates apps within GDCM 2 that depend on VTK, and
> its libraries never depend on VTK, then GDCM should be fixed.
> Other ideas?
> s
> On Sat, Jul 17, 2010 at 12:26 PM, Karthik Krishnan
> <karthik.krishnan at kitware.com> wrote:
>> I think the more likely place VTK-VERSION may be getting pulled in is
>> that GDCM has been built with the flag GDCM-USE-VTK set to ON. Dean
>> Inglis who initially reported the error on the attached link did have
>> this flag on.
>> On 7/17/10, Stephen Aylward <stephen.aylward at kitware.com> wrote:
>>> The problem is that VTK_VERSION is being set somewhere that it shouldn't
>>> Bill H thinks VTK_VERSION might be set in GDCM.   Check the Cache/Use
>>> file on your local install.
>>> I checked the following in ITK:
>>> $ grep -R VTK_VERSION *
>>> Utilities/MetaIO/CMakeLists.txt:IF(VTK_VERSION)
>>> Utilities/MetaIO/CMakeLists.txt:ELSE(VTK_VERSION)
>>> Utilities/MetaIO/CMakeLists.txt:ENDIF(VTK_VERSION)
>>> Wrapping/WrapITK/ExternalProjects/ItkVtkGlue/Wrapping/CMakeLists.txt:
>>> Wrapping/WrapITK/ExternalProjects/ItkVtkGlue/Wrapping/CMakeLists.txt:
>>> Wrapping/WrapITK/ExternalProjects/ItkVtkGlue/Wrapping/CMakeLists.txt:
>>> Wrapping/WrapITK/ExternalProjects/ItkVtkGlue/Wrapping/CMakeLists.txt:
>>> So, if WrapITK is being used, then a temp var called VTK_VERSION is
>>> being created...which is kind of a "reserved" CMake variable and could
>>> cause the error.  Is wrapping enabled?
>>> s
>>> On Sat, Jul 17, 2010 at 10:35 AM, Bill Lorensen <bill.lorensen at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hmmm... that happened to me too.
>>>> Why haven't we fixed this?
>>>> Bill
>>>> On Sat, Jul 17, 2010 at 8:47 AM, Karthik Krishnan
>>>> <karthik.krishnan at kitware.com> wrote:
>>>>> Known issue.. See this
>>>>>   http://www.itk.org/pipermail/insight-users/2010-June/037360.html
>>>>> and
>>>>>   http://www.itk.org/pipermail/insight-users/2010-July/037404.html
>>>>> I think the consensus is to downgrade to CMake 2.6 from Cmake 2.8
>>>>> On Sat, Jul 17, 2010 at 3:25 PM, Roger Bramon Feixas
>>>>> <rogerbramon at gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I have the same problem reported in this
>>>>>> thread: http://www.itk.org/pipermail/insight-users/2010-March/035903.html,
>>>>>> but any solution was published. I would like to continue the discussion.
>>>>>> I'm trying to compile ITK 3.18 with GDCM 2.0.15. I compiled correctly
>>>>>> GDCM
>>>>>> 2.0.15 with VTK 5.6 but when I set to 1 the ITK_USE_SYSTEM_GDCM option
>>>>>> this
>>>>>> CMake message error appears:
>>>>>> CMake Error at Utilities/MetaIO/CMakeLists.txt:104 (INSTALL):
>>>>>>   install TARGETS given no LIBRARY DESTINATION for shared library target
>>>>>>   "vtkmetaio".
>>>>>> In the mentioned thread, Brad King proposed a test:
>>>>>> "
>>>>>> Edit ITK/Utilities/MetaIO/CMakeLists.txt to add some message()-s
>>>>>> in this top block:
>>>>>>   SET(METAIO_FOR_VTK 1)
>>>>>>   SET(METAIO_NAMESPACE "vtkmetaio")
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>> Does CMake hit this?  Are you pointing ITK at a VTK? "
>>>>>> I tested it, and yes, CMake hits this.
>>>>>> Anyone have any suggestion?
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Roger
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>>> --
>>> ==============================
>>> Stephen R. Aylward, Ph.D.
>>> Director of Medical Imaging Research
>>> Kitware, Inc. - North Carolina Office
>>> http://www.kitware.com
>>> stephen.aylward (Skype)
>>> (919) 969-6990 x300
> --
> ==============================
> Stephen R. Aylward, Ph.D.
> Director of Medical Imaging Research
> Kitware, Inc. - North Carolina Office
> http://www.kitware.com
> stephen.aylward (Skype)
> (919) 969-6990 x300
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