[Insight-users] bug in DeformableModelSimplexMesh ?

Dženan Zukić dzenanz at gmail.com
Thu Jul 22 08:55:56 EDT 2010

I discovered few weeks back, that you cannot just change input mesh for
deform filter, that is
this line is a problem. The workaround I used was to create unnamed block
and create a new deform filter from scratch (instantiate filter and set a
bunch of parameters) instead of just setting setting input mesh and calling


On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 11:37, <J.Menssen at cukz.umcn.nl> wrote:

>  Dear All
> We are working on a segmentation algorithm using deformable models with a
> refine mesh. The deformation and refinement is done  in a for loop. Our
> application is based on the DeformableModel application as given in the
> InsightApplications example DeformableModelSimplexMesh.
> We modified the for loop in de DeformMesh method(DeformableModelApplication.cxx)with a refinement of the mesh, but this crashes. Below a part of (pseudo)
> code is given..
> ***     for i=****1****:i<nr_iterations;i++*
> *   {*
> *      m_simplexMesh->DisconnectPipeline()*
> *      m_deformFilter-SetInput(m_simplexMesh);*
> *      m_deformFilter->Update(0;*
> *      simplexMesh2 = m_deformFilter->GetOutput();*
> *      *
> *      m_refineMesh->SetInput(simplexMesh2);*
> *      m_refineMesh->Update();*
> *      m_simplexMesh=m_refineMesh->GetOutput();*
> *  }*
> m_deformFilter is a DeformableSimplexMesh3DGradientConstraintForceFilter,
> m_RefineMesh is a  itkSimplexMeshAdaptTopologyFilter
>        *** *
> To isolate the bug, we started with a little modification of the DeformMesh
> method in DeformableModelApplication.cxx. The modifications are given below
> (line 522 in original file, InsightApplciations 3.16). Running this code
> results also in a crash
> *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *******SimplexMeshType::Pointer simplexMesh2 = m_SimplexMesh;*
> *******const**************** unsigned**************** int********numberOfIterationsToGo = atoi(m_IterationsValueInput->value());
> *
> *******for********(******** unsigned**************** int******** i=0;
> i<numberOfIterationsToGo; i++ )*
> *{*
> *      std::cout <<******** " Iteration   "******** << i << std::endl;*
> *    *
> *******//* -------------- start modified code
> -------------------------------------------*
> *******       ******** // THIS IS MODIFIED CODE THAT (WE THINK) DOESN'T
> *************** // CODE CRASHES*
> ********
> *******                        m_SimplexMesh->DisconnectPipeline();*
> *                        m_DeformFilter->SetInput(m_SimplexMesh);*
> *                        m_DeformFilter->SetIterations(1);*
> *                        m_DeformFilter->Update();*
> *                        simplexMesh2 = m_DeformFilter->GetOutput();*
> *                        SimplexMesh2->DisconnectPipeline(0*
>    *******m_DeformFilter->SetInput(simplexMesh2);*
> *******                        m_DeformFilter->SetIterations(1);*
> *                        m_DeformFilter->Update();*
> *                        m_SimplexMesh = m_DeformFilter->GetOutput();*
> *******// --------------------- end modified code
> -------------------------------------- */*
> ********
> *******      m_SimplexMeshToShow  = m_SimplexMesh;*
> *     ******** this********->RefreshMeshVisualization();*
> *     *
> *     ******** // force a redraw*
> *******      axialView->redraw();*
> *      coronalView->redraw();*
> *      sagittalView->redraw();*
> *      surfaceView->redraw();*
> *      Fl::check(); *
> ******* }*********
> *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Error message (using Visual Studio 2005 and/or 2008) of the crash
> Debug Assertion Failed !
>         Expression map/set iterator not dereferencable
> Do we something wrong?  Using a for loop in a pipeline is dangerous but in
> bug 0001080, we read it’s possible to use a for loop. Also at the Old Nabble
> forum  I read a message that is must be possible to use a for loop. (***
> http://old.nabble.com/Using-image-iterators-combined-with-filters-in-a-loop-td28684443.html
> *<http://old.nabble.com/Using-image-iterators-combined-with-filters-in-a-loop-td28684443.html>
> )
> Even if we changed the code in the original example
> DeformableModelApplication according to the above  referenced Old Nabble
> article the application crashes (see below)
> *******m_DeformFilter->SetInput( m_SimplexMesh );*
> ********
> *     ******** m_DeformFilter->SetIterations(1); *
> *      m_DeformFilter->Update();*
> *     ******** m_SimplexMesh =  m_DeformFilter->GetOutput(); *
> *        m_SimplexMesh->DisconnectPipeline();*
>  So is there a bug in the original ITK sources? As far as we now, ITK
> doesn’t allow to change the input of a filter and we think this is what
> happened in the original DeformableSimplexMesh application.
> Can someone help us with our problem ?
> We tested with ITK 2.8, ITK 3.16 and 3.18 and all crashes
> ******* Jan Menssen******
> ********Research assistant*
> *******Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre*
> *******Clinical Physics Lab -* Peadiatrics
> Huispost 833, route 833
> P.O  box  9101
> 6500 HB Nijmegen
> Telefoon: +31 24 36 19063
> E-mail *****J.Menssen at cukz.umcn.nl* <J.Menssen at cukz.umcn.nl>
> *****http://www.umcn.nl* <http://www.umcn.nl/>
>  Het UMC St Radboud staat geregistreerd bij de Kamer van Koophandel in het
> handelsregister onder nummer 41055629.
> The Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre is listed in the Commercial
> Register of the Chamber of Commerce under file number 41055629.
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