[Insight-users] MultiScaleHessianBasedMeasureImageFilter

Juan Carlos Prieto juanprietob at gmail.com
Wed Jun 2 11:23:25 EDT 2010

Hi Luca,

Thank you for the response, I ran some other tests on the filter like
printing values directly on the template
(itkMultiScaleHessianBasedMeasureImageFilter.txx) and I think is working
fine because the filter managed to show them. But my problem is that I can't
get an iterator to go through the values after the update of the filter,
like the example I sent you.

_hessianmultiscale->GetOutput(); //this is working fine

TypeConstRegionIterator constit( _hessianmultiscale->GetScalesOutput(),

> _hessianmultiscale->GetScalesOutput()->GetRequestedRegion() );

 for ( constit.GoToBegin(); !constit.IsAtEnd(); ++constit);
           cout<<constit.Get()<< " "; //this output produces "0" only

I'm going to try saving the image and then reading it to see what happens.
I'll let you know.

Juan Carlos Prieto

2010/6/2 Luca Antiga <luca.antiga at gmail.com>

> Hi Juan Carlos,
>  I ran the test for the filter in Testing/Code/Review on one of my images
> and it worked correctly, the scales image was filled with scale values. Find
> the code I ran attached.
> Can you try it out on your image?
> Luca
> On May 31, 2010, at 8:18 PM, Juan Carlos Prieto wrote:
>  Hello Luis,
>> I'm trying to use the MultiScaleHessianBasedMeasureImageFilter.
>> My problem is that I don't know how to get the "GetScalesOutput()" to
>> work, I have both methods to On "GenerateHessianOutputOn()" and
>>        "GenerateScalesOutputOn()", but the ScalesOutput produces nothing.
>> This is my code
>> _hessianvessel->SetAlpha1 (0.5);
>>        _hessianvessel->SetAlpha2 (2);
>>        _hessianmultiscale->SetInput(image);
>>        _hessianmultiscale->SetHessianToMeasureFilter(_hessianvessel);
>>        _hessianmultiscale->SetSigmaMinimum(0.5);
>>        _hessianmultiscale->SetSigmaMaximum(4.0);
>>        _hessianmultiscale->SetNumberOfSigmaSteps(5);
>>        _hessianmultiscale->GenerateHessianOutputOn();
>>        _hessianmultiscale->GenerateScalesOutputOn();
>>        _hessianmultiscale->Update();
>>        _outputimagefloat = ImageTypeFloat::New();
>>  _outputimagefloat->SetRegions(_hessianmultiscale->GetOutput()->GetRequestedRegion());
>>        _outputimagefloat->Allocate();
>>        TypeConstRegionIterator constit(
>> _hessianmultiscale->GetScalesOutput(),
>> _hessianmultiscale->GetScalesOutput()->GetRequestedRegion() );
>>        TypeRegionIterator outputit( _outputimagefloat,
>> _outputimagefloat->GetRequestedRegion() );
>>        for ( constit.GoToBegin(); !constit.IsAtEnd(); ++constit);
>>        {
>>            cout<<constit.Get()<< " "; //this output produces "0" only
>>        }
>>        /*for ( constit.GoToBegin(), outputit.GoToBegin();
>> !constit.IsAtEnd(); ++constit, ++outputit)
>>        {
>>            outputit.Set(constit.Get()); //does not work
>>        }*/
>> I hope this is enough information
>> Thank you for your time
>> Juan Carlos Prieto
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