[Insight-users] Structure Tensor in ITK

Matt McCormick matt at mmmccormick.com
Fri Jun 4 13:08:19 EDT 2010

Sergio Vera <sergio.vera at ...> writes:

> Thanks for the contributionsI'll try to implement it and if the result is
half decent, the idea was to publish it at the insight journal indeedRegards

In a related area, I've been working on code to calculate the strain tensor
recently.  Some issues you might encounter: VTKImageIO does not support tensors
at this time.  I have code that does ASCII .vtk tensors, and I will be working
on binary .vtk tensors 'soon'.  You can find the code here:


Note that the streaming image IO is the work of Bradley Lowekamp.

Also, watch out for a bug when trying to write 2D SymmetricSecondRankTensors.

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