[Insight-users] LinearInterpolateImageFunction tries to access out of bounds pixels even if IsInsideBuffer() check is positive

Iván Macía imacia at vicomtech.org
Thu Jun 17 09:54:00 EDT 2010

Dear all,


I am experiencing an extremely annoying problem again and again in recent
developments when I perform calculations that rely on linear interpolators.
This is related to the fact that, even if I check if the point is inside the
buffer ( interpolator->IsInsideBuffer( point ), when performing the
interpolation sometimes the buffer tries to access and index that is outside
bounds and the program crashes, because the interpolated point lies very
close to the boundaries. This at least happens with
LinearInterpolateImageFunction. I even had to implement my own dirty
interpolator with extra bounds checking, which is slower but safer.


Should not the interpolator check if any of the indexes that it has to
access might be out of bounds? If so I can open an issue in Mantis with an
example test program (I cannot post this right now since I have to extract
the offending code from my prototype). How could this be handled without
severely affecting the performance? Somehow each interpolator knows which
would be the extent of pixels that will be accessed but I think this is not
made explicit anywhere in the interpolator.


Any other ideas to tackle this problem?


Thanks in advance.


Iván Macía



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Iván Macía Oliver

Investigador / Researcher

eSalud & Aplicaciones Biomédicas / eHealth & Biomedical Applications

 <mailto:imacia at vicomtech.org> imacia at vicomtech.org


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