[Insight-users] LinearInterpolateImageFunction tries to access out of bounds pixels even if IsInsideBuffer() check is positive
Ivan Macia
imacia at vicomtech.org
Thu Jun 17 12:55:27 EDT 2010
Hi Luis, all,
My fault, seems a false alarm :S I was pretty sure I had an InsideBuffer()
check in all Evaluate() calls (I have several of these) but this one was
missing. Then it reminded me the linear interpolator bug I had, but this
is used (thanks for this to the author btw). I tried several times and it
seems to be robust, at least I could not reproduce any error at the image
borders. I will try to check that the rest of programs that were failing due
to this old bug are now working with the latest changes in this class.
Anyway, a method or something could be considered in order to check which is
actually the image region covered by the interpolator.
Sorry for the inconvenience
2010/6/17 Luis Ibanez <luis.ibanez at kitware.com>
> Hi Ivan,
> From your description, this looks like a bug in the IsInsideBuffer()
> method.
> It would seem that the method that we use in the IsInsideBuffer() method
> is not consistent with what we do when we call Evaluate().
> Could you provide a minimal example that illustrates this problem ?
> Thanks
> Luis
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> 2010/6/17 Iván Macía <imacia at vicomtech.org>
>> Dear all,
>> I am experiencing an extremely annoying problem again and again in recent
>> developments when I perform calculations that rely on linear interpolators.
>> This is related to the fact that, even if I check if the point is inside the
>> buffer ( interpolator->IsInsideBuffer( point ), when performing the
>> interpolation sometimes the buffer tries to access and index that is outside
>> bounds and the program crashes, because the interpolated point lies very
>> close to the boundaries. This at least happens with
>> LinearInterpolateImageFunction. I even had to implement my own dirty
>> interpolator with extra bounds checking, which is slower but safer.
>> Should not the interpolator check if any of the indexes that it has to
>> access might be out of bounds? If so I can open an issue in Mantis with an
>> example test program (I cannot post this right now since I have to extract
>> the offending code from my prototype). How could this be handled without
>> severely affecting the performance? Somehow each interpolator knows which
>> would be the extent of pixels that will be accessed but I think this is not
>> made explicit anywhere in the interpolator.
>> Any other ideas to tackle this problem?
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Iván Macía
>> [image: Vicomtech logotipo]
>> *Iván Macía Oliver*
>> Investigador / Researcher
>> eSalud & Aplicaciones Biomédicas / eHealth & Biomedical Applications
>> imacia at vicomtech.org
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