[Insight-users] problem with Chan and Vese method of segmentation

Surcin Julien juliensurcin at gmail.com
Mon Jun 21 13:03:14 EDT 2010

Dear ITK users,

I'm working on the Chan and Vese method of segmentation.
Consequently I tried to use the example of the next publication:


I have no errors during the compilation but I have execution errors.

"Debug Assertion Failed!

File:C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\include\vector

Expression:vector subscript out of range"

In fact, it is the same error that in the next post :

(I use Visual Studio 2008 on Windows Vista)

I'm searching a solution for one week but I don't find a solution.

Thanks in advance,

Julien Surcin

Student in 4th year at Polytech'Orleans, School of Engineering, FRANCE
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