[Insight-users] Actually implementing a Gabor filter
Neal R. Harvey
harve at lanl.gov
Mon Jun 21 18:18:15 EDT 2010
I basically copied your implementation examples, but am unable to get it
to work:
Here's the code:
typedef itk::GaborImageSource< ImageType > GaborSourceType;
GaborSourceType::Pointer GaborKernelImage = GaborSourceType::New();
// Setting the sigma for the 2-D Gabor kernel
GaborSourceType::ArrayType GaborSigma;
GaborSigma[0] = 2.0;
GaborSigma[1] = 5.0;
ImageType::SizeType GaborKernelImageSize;
GaborKernelImageSize.Fill( 64 * 4 );
GaborKernelImage->SetSpacing( InputImageSpacing );
GaborKernelImage->SetSize( GaborKernelImageSize );
GaborKernelImage->SetSigma( GaborSigma );
GaborKernelImage->SetFrequency( 0.1 );
GaborKernelImage->SetCalculateImaginaryPart( false );
std::cout << "Performing Convolution ... Starting" << std::endl;
typedef itk::ConvolutionImageFilter< ImageType > ConvolutionFilterType;
ConvolutionFilterType::Pointer Convoluter;
Convoluter->SetInput( itkChipImg );
Convoluter->SetImageKernelInput( GaborKernelImage->GetOutput() );
std::cout << "Performing Convolution ... Completed" << std::endl;
It compiles, but I get a segmentation fault - here's the output.
Performing Convolution ... Starting
Segmentation fault
I have no idea where or what the problem is. I have tried to use the
same code as in the
examples, as much as possible, in order to try and minimize the chance
of errors introduced
by my own incompetence/ignorance.
Nicholas Tustison wrote:
> Neal,
> You should try one of the convolution image filters below (the first is a straightforward implementation and the second is FFT-based) which take as input a source image and a kernel image and returns the filtered image.
> Nick
> http://www.insight-journal.org/browse/publication/208
> http://www.insight-journal.org/browse/publication/717
> On Jun 15, 2010, at 5:54 PM, Neal R. Harvey wrote:
>> I read the Insight Journal paper "Go-Go Gabor Gadgetry" which describes how to create
>> a Gabor filter kernel image. All very interesting, but not very useful unless I can determine how
>> to now use this kernel image in a filter.
>> The paper does not really provide details and, looking through the ITK Software Guide,
>> I can find descriptions of a whole lot of filters, but I haven't yet been able to find one that takes an image
>> as an input for its kernel. Google searches haven't proved much use, either, as I keep ending back
>> at the same paper "Go-Go Gadget" paper.
>> What ITK filtering function do I use that can take in the Gabor kernel image?
>> Any help would be much appreciated.
>> Thanks
>> Harve
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