[Insight-users] output of segmentation to DICOM

InfoSeekerr ali.mahmoud.habib at gmail.com
Tue Mar 2 16:52:54 EST 2010

while trying to read the output of WatershedType file , how can I fix that. 
because I need the output file for vtk output 

itk::ERROR: MetaImageIO(18160008): File cannot be written: c\label.mhd
Reason: No such file or directory
Location: void __thiscall itk::MetaImageIO::Write(const void *)
File: ..\..\..\Code\IO\itkMetaImageIO.cxx
Line: 1396
   at itk.itkImage_SS3.Write(String filename)
   at itk.itkImage.Write(String filename)
   at ConsoleApplication1.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\Users\Eng. Ali
ud\Documents\Visual Studio
\Program.cs:line 52

I used the following code :

                // read the DICOm series 
                itkImageBase input = itkImage_SS3.New();

                // Read the DICOM image from the given directory  

                // Display some image information
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Name={0}", input.Name));
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Size={0}", input.Size));

                ImageType label = itkImage.New(input.PixelType,

                // Watershed
                WatershedType filterWatershed = WatershedType.New(input);
                filterWatershed.Threshold = 0.05;
                filterWatershed.Level = 0.8;

                // Relabel
                RelabelType filterRelabel = RelabelType.New(label, label);

                // Write the label image to disk


            catch (Exception ex)


Luis Ibanez wrote:
> Hi Ali,
> 1) Regarding the output of the Watershed filter,
>     Please look at the examples:
>           Insight/Examples/
>                WatershedSegmentation1.cxx
>                WatershedSegmentation2.cxx
>     These examples are described in the
>     ITK Software Guide:
>        http://www.itk.org/ItkSoftwareGuide.pdf
>     You can save the output images using the
>     MetaImage file format, or the VTK file format.
>     Simply use .mhd or .vtk as filename extensions
>     respectively.
> 2)   You could view these images with:
>         a)  ParaView (www.paraview.org)
>         b)  Slicer (www.slicer.org)
>       (Among others...)
> 3)   The classes used for connecting ITK and VTK
>        are described in the following Tutorial:
> "Getting Started II: Using ITK with VTK"
> http://www.itk.org/CourseWare/Training/GettingStarted-II.pdf
>        You will find the source code under
>         InsightApplications/Auxiliary/vtk
> http://public.kitware.com/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/Auxiliary/vtk/?root=InsightApplications
> 4)  Regarding connecting ITK and VTK, you will also
>      find useful to look at the following Insight Journal
>      paper:
>       "Seamless VTK-ITK pipeline connection for image data handling"
>       http://www.insight-journal.org/browse/publication/146
>       http://hdl.handle.net/1926/495
>      The corresponding source code
>      can also be found in the directory:
>         InsightApplications/Auxiliary/vtk
> http://public.kitware.com/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/Auxiliary/vtk/?root=InsightApplications
> 5)  For basic examples on how to use VTK
>      to visualize segmentation generated by ITK,
>      you may want to look at:
>           InsightApplications/Auxiliary/vtk
>                  itkReadITKImage3DExtractContourVTK.cxx
>                  itkReadITKImage3DSegmentShowVTK.cxx
>                  itkReadITKImageSegmentShowVTK.cxx
>                  itkReadITKImageShowSplineVTK.cxx
>                  itkReadITKImageShowVTK.cxx
> 6)  You may also find useful to look at the following
>       segmentation applications that use the watershed
>       filter:
>       InsightApplications/SegmentationEditor
> http://public.kitware.com/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/SegmentationEditor/?root=InsightApplications
>       InsightApplications/SegmentationEditorFltkGui
> http://public.kitware.com/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/SegmentationEditorFltkGui/?root=InsightApplications
>       Both of them use the Watershed filter,
>       and both of them use VTK visualization.
> 7) Finally,
>     Please note that CMake works fine in Windows Vista.
>     You may have run into the common problem with
>     the Windows Vista UAC, that forces you to run
>     CMake (and the Visual Studio IDE) as Administrator.
>     For solutions,
>     Please look at this email from the archives:
> http://www.itk.org/pipermail/insight-users/2008-May/025682.html
>      Regards,
>              Luis
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 9:28 PM, Ali Habib <ali.mahmoud.habib at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I want to save the output of wateshed segmentation  (using ITK ) and save
>> it
>> to suitable formate such that I can by using VTK  read and apply
>> vtkcontour
>> or vtkmarchingcube filter to display the 3D
>> this because I can't find the classess responsible for connecting ITK and
>> VTK piplens, and cann't use cmake in my viista PC
>> best regards
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