[Insight-users] ImageRegistration9.exe - 2DAffine

Ganesh Narayanasamy nganesh76 at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 11 14:02:16 EST 2010

I would like to make a 3D Affine image registration code, if there is none. I found a similar code in ImageRegistration9.cxx and would like to alter to make it applicable for 3D images. Are these the only changes needed or is there anything else that I need to make. 
After Line#529, I dont know if there is anything to change.


Line 146:   const    unsigned int    Dimension = 3;

Line 285 to 290: Need to remove lines 289, 290 and add 6 more lines to make a (4x3) matrix for 3D images.
  optimizerScales[4] =  1.0;  optimizerScales[5] =  1.0;
  optimizerScales[6] =  1.0;  optimizerScales[7] =  1.0;
  optimizerScales[8] =  1.0;
  optimizerScales[9] =  translationScale;
  optimizerScales[10] =  translationScale;
  optimizerScales[11] =  translationScale;

After line 395, add 
  const double finalRotationCenterZ=transform->GetCenter()[2];

After line 397, add 
  const double finalTranslationZ =finalParameters[6];

After line 408, add 
  std::cout << " Center Z      = " << finalRotationCenterZ  << std::endl;

After line 410, add 
  std::cout << " Translation Z = " << finalTranslationZ  << std::endl;  

Change line 418 into 
  vnl_matrix<double> p(3, 3);

After line 420 add
  p[0][2] = (double) finalParameters[2];  p[1][0] = (double) finalParameters[3];  p[1][1] = (double) finalParameters[4];
  p[1][2] = (double) finalParameters[5];  p[2][0] = (double) finalParameters[6];  p[2][1] = (double) finalParameters[7];

  p[2][2] = (double) finalParameters[8];

Change line 425 into 
  vnl_matrix<double> r(3, 3);

Add after line 432 
  std::cout << " Scale 3        = " << svd.W(2)<< std::endl;


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