[Insight-users] [insight-users] Eclipse setup : debug, viewing sources and correct project tree

Antonin Perrot-Audet antonin07130 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 11 17:51:50 EST 2010

Ok now... the lib won't compile... after I uncommented the lines in my 
CMakeLists.txt, and I try to build all, I get an "can't find lib1.h".
I put some messages in my CMakeLists.txt, and saw that cmake was going 
through the lib folder.
Does anyone have a clue? in the pdf file ( 
http://fex.insa-lyon.fr/get?k=hH9rWzEll3ggNtwgWgX ), I posted all I have 
done, the only difference is that I uncommented those lines :
in the CMakeLists of the root folder

in the CMakeLists of lib folder :
# ADD_LIBRARY( lib1 lib1.cpp )

in the CMakeLists of src folder
# TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(main lib1 ITKNumerics ITKIO itkgdcm itkvcl 
itkvnl ITKAlgorithms ITKBasicFilters ITKCommon )

if anyone has a clue ?


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