[Insight-users] xxxxxSPAMxxxxx xxxxxSPAMxxxxx How to Calculate the joint PDF?

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Thu Mar 25 14:42:55 EDT 2010

Hi  水灵

Here are two options:

A) You could merge your two images
     into a single image of two components
     per pixel, by using the filter


     Then use the ImageHistogramGenerator
     in order to compute a joint histogram,
     as illustrated in the examples:


    Note that the examples are applied to RGB
    images (3 components), but they will work
    for 2 component images with minimal


B) You could use the


    with an IdentityTransform, and let the
    metric compute the Joint Histogram
    for you.



2010/3/18 水灵 <348774226 at qq.com>:
> Hello!
>     I want to calculate the joint PDF of two input images, but I don't know
> is there an itk class that could solve this problem?
>     the class maybe as :
>     cc::Pointer jointPDF=cc::New();
>     jointPDF->SetInputImage1(image1);
>     jointPDF->SetInputImage2(image2);
>     jointPDF->Compute();
>     jointPDF->GetJointPDF(&JointPDF);
>     The JointPDF is the result.
>     Thank you!!!
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