[Insight-users] identify defects at the edge of the object

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Mon Mar 29 19:06:33 EDT 2010

Hi Suyang,

Can we assume that the defects are shape
irregularities in the border of the object ?

Like holes in an otherwise straight edge ?
or bumps in an otherwise straight edge ?

If so,
you could use Mathematical Morphology
filter in order to identify such defect.

These morphological filters should be run
after you have thresholded the image.

(Although there are implementations
available in ITK that will work on grayscale

You could also consider using filters such
as the VotingHoleFilling filter, in order to
fill-up those holes or bumps and then
subtract the "corrected" image from the
thresholded image, effectively highlighting
the defects.

If the defects are not shape irregularities,
we will need you to post a screen shot of
your images in a public web site so that we
can take a look at them and give you more
precise advice.



On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 5:55 PM, Suyang Mei <suyang_mei at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi,
>   I have a question -
>   I have some images including a object, and there are some defects at the
> edge of the object, the object is bright and the defect is dark, and the
> background is also dark.  if I use threshold approach the dark defect
> touching the edge of the object will be classified as background, is there
> any existing ITK filters can be used here to identify those defects?
>   Thanks.
> Suyang
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