[Insight-users] itkMatrix error: discards qualifiers??

Frederic Perez fredericpcx at gmail.com
Tue Mar 30 06:55:42 EDT 2010

Hello Michiel,

perhaps you could use a const Matrix object after all, since it looks to me
that FinalRotation is first built with image->GetDirection() but this value
is not actually used, and that the signature of itk::Image's is
SetDirection(const DirectionType direction).

So here you are, my quickly written proposal (caution, I haven't compiled

  float angleX, angleY, angleZ;
  angleX = angleY = angleZ = 5;

  const double cx = vcl_cos(angleX);
  const double sx = vcl_sin(angleX);

  typedef itk::Matrix<double,3,3> Matrix;
  Matrix RotationX;
  // Matrix FinalRotation = image->GetDirection(); -- Commented now

  RotationX[0][0] = 1; RotationX[0][1] =   0;  RotationX[0][2] = 0;
  RotationX[1][0] = 0; RotationX[1][1] =  cx; RotationX[1][2] = sx;
  RotationX[2][0] = 0; RotationX[2][1] = -sx; RotationX[2][2] = cx;

  const Matrix FinalRotation = direction*RotationX;

  std::cout << "image->GetDirection(): " << std::endl <<
image->GetDirection() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "RotationX: " << std::endl << RotationX << std::endl;
  std::cout << "FinalRotation: " << std::endl << FinalRotation << std::endl;


  std::cout << "image->GetDirection(): " << std::endl <<
image->GetDirection() << std::endl;


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