[Insight-users] Creating an approximate cross-section of a RT

Jason.Dowling at csiro.au Jason.Dowling at csiro.au
Tue May 4 20:06:03 EDT 2010

Hi Xiaofeng,

You can use the code from this Insight Journal paper: http://www.insight-journal.org/browse/publication/701 to read the DICOM-RT structures into a binary volume.  An easy way to then visualize the different orientations of the ROI is to load it into ITK-SNAP ( http://www.itksnap.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php ).




I've post this in VTK board but I didn't get the answer.  Before I set

out to implement it, I'll post it here.

I have a set of contours in axial orientation representing a ROI. I
need to sketch the ROI in coronal and sagittal plane, by connection the
points made from the intersection of the contours and the cutting plane.
Is there a function to do that in vtk or in ITK?

Some in VTK board suggested constructing a surface and create

the crosssection by cutting the surface.  But that is not what I need.

I need to do it in the rudimentary way for performance.

 Many thanks!


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