[Insight-users] multi-slices to volume registration: what is the property way?

Elvis Chen elvis.chen at gmail.com
Thu May 6 11:16:10 EDT 2010


I'm working on a multi-slices to volume registration problem and I would
like to do this in ITK's framework.  I'm familiar with VTK but only a
beginner in ITK.  I think I have a fair understanding on how to do this
properly in ITK and I seek your advice.

     - a set of freehand US slices in a world coordinate.  Associated with
each slice is a transform that defines the origin/plane of which the US
image lies on.  The set of freehand US is fairly sparse so I can NOT
reconstruct a 3D US volume.  All US slice have the same/fixed spacing/extent
that were dictated by the video frame grabber.
     - a 3D volume of the same anatomy (either reconstructed from another
set of freehand US, CT, or MRI)

What I can do in *VTK* is: for each US slice, use the associated transform
to extract the corresponding slice in the 3D volume via vtkImageReslice.
 Between these two slices then, I compute a similarity metric.

My question is:  how to do this in ITK's registration framework in the
proper way?  My thoughts are:

1) stack the freehand US as a 3D volume (*NOT* a reconstruction) since all
US slices are of the same size.
2) write my own interpolator class that, for each slice in 1) using
itk::ResampleImageFilter to extract the corresponding slice in the 3D
     - from my limited understanding of ITK, itk::ResampleImageFilter
accomplishes the same task as vtkImageReslice?

another approach is to exact the corresponding slice(s) in the metric

The broader question is:  Is there an existing ITK mechanism for doing
multi-slices to volume registration?  If not, does my approach sound

any advice is very much appreciated,
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