[Insight-users] Cannot access LightObject functions in object instantiated in DLL

Gao Han lintworm2 at yahoo.co.uk
Wed May 12 08:58:36 EDT 2010

Dear Cory,

Thank you for your answer. I do think that function is correct, as in it
does not give the problems. I purposely added that function to show that the
problem was really in the itk::LightObject. The function was added *after* I
found the problem. 

Today, I spent the whole day on tracking down the cause of this problem, and
I think I found it. When I intantiate the filter, I used a common pointer.
If I would directly run the member function Register() the program crashed,
as Register() is a member function of LightObject. So I tried to instantiate
directly into a smart pointer, and also then I got a crash when running
member functions of LightObject. However, if I manually run Register() on
the smart pointer, directly after creating, everything works fine, but I do
have to run a UnRegister() when destroying the object, otherwise it will
result in a memory leak. Why it works this way is totally beyond me, but
then again, I do not have any experience with working with DLLs. If you have
any suggestions to what is going wrong, I would greatly appreciate to hear

Thank you again for responding to my message.


Gao Han 

For reference, I put the code in the form of a macro, which you can find it
below here:

// Macro for setting input. Arguments:
//          dataT       - Type of the data
//          dataE       - Enumeration label of the data
//          dataO       - The data object
//          typeI       - value keeping track of the current filter type
//          filterT     - Current filter type
//          filterO     - Filter Object
//          nextO       - Next filter in the chain
#define SET_INPUT( dataT , dataE , dataO, typeI , filterT , filterO, nextO )       
            MCAD::dataT * d = dynamic_cast<MCAD::dataT *>(dataO);                  
            if (d)                                                                 
                filterT * f = dynamic_cast<filterT *>(filterO.GetPointer());       
                if (!f)                                                            
                    filterT::Pointer nf = filterT::New();                          
                    f = nf.GetPointer();                                           
                    typeI = MCAD::dataE;                                           
                filterO = f;                                                       
                return true;                                                       

Cory Quammen wrote:
> This line
>>    std::cout << filt->tralalie() << "\n";           // Fine....
> May be causing a problem.
> In your function
>>    char * tralalie() {return "In itkImageToVTKImageFilter.h";}
> Here you are allocating a character array on the stack which is
> deallocated as soon as tralalie() returns. When you print out the
> return value from tralalie(), std::cout steps through the now-invalid
> memory. It probably works well enough to fool you into thinking it
> works, but it could be corrupting memory in a way that doesn't show up
> until you call
> std::cout << filt->GetReferenceCount() << "\n";    // Crash with
> Try removing the call to filt-tralalie() and see if that fixes your
> problem.
> Hope that helps,
> Cory
> -- 
> Cory Quammen
> Center for Computer Integrated Systems for Microscopy and Manipulation
> Department of Computer Science
> University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
> http://www.cs.unc.edu/~cquammen
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