[Insight-users] Intensity values issue

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Tue May 25 11:29:18 EDT 2010

Hi Michael,

Thanks for the detailed description of your problem.

Looking at your code, it seems that you are using a "float" pixel
type, not a "double" pixel type, as you describe in your email.

It is unlikely that this change in pixels values is produced by
the resampling process itself.

Could you please do the following:

1) Connect the Series reader output directly as input to the
    Series writer (that is, skip the resampling process altogether)

2) Look at the resulting output image, and let us know if that
    image does have the pixel values changed too.



On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 9:16 AM, Michael Pozdnyakov <mishgunn at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm working now on 3D rigid registration task and I have some issues with my
> program at the moment of transformation. For the better explication of the
> issue I will describe only transformation part.
> I have a body PET exam in a series of DICOM files. I read this series with
> GDCM and the reading goes well and I keep a 3D image in memory (in double).
> Then I create a ResampleImageFilter to transform the image. I define the
> transformation (I've tried many of them: translation, versor rigid, affine,
> euler and even identity) and I define the interpolator. And finally I save
> my transformed image in another DICOM series. Everywhere I have double data
> type.
> So, my issue is that high intensity values (bigger than ~16K) become
> negative. And it doesn't depend on transformation type neither on
> interpolator. I have always the same probleme in high intensity zones.
> Thanks,
> Mikhail
> PS.
> My configuration
> MacOS X 10.5.8, gcc 4.0.1
> ITK 3.16
> Sources in attachement
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