[Insight-users] MultiResolutionPyramidImageFilter: different behavior 32 bit vs 64 bit

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Wed May 26 13:48:43 EDT 2010

Hi Maarten,

The computation precision should be the same
in a 64 bits machine (for float/double numbers).

However, the fact that you only get the warning
in 64bits build certainly shows that the platform

Could you please post to the list a minimal
snippet of code that illustrates this problem ?

(including all the numerical parameters that
you are using).

It will be very helpful if we manage to replicate
the warning message.



On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 1:05 PM, Maarten Beek <beekmaarten at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> The MultiResolutionPDEDeformableRegistration filter (with any of the
> PDEDeformableRegistrationFilter filters) uses the
> MultiResolutionPyramidImageFilter class to create image pyramids for the
> fixed and moving image. This MultiResolutionPyramidImageFilter class gives a
> warning about a kernel being truncated because it is growing too big when
> run on 64 bit system, while the warning doesn't appear when run on a 32 bit
> system (of course with the same values for the various parameters, like max
> error, variance).
> Is this caused by the machine precision? How can I prevent this warning on
> a 64 bit machine?
> Thanks - Maarten
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