[Insight-users] Guidelines for speed and memory footprint optimization

Matt McCormick matt at mmmccormick.com
Wed Nov 10 10:27:38 EST 2010

Sergio Vera <sergio.vera at ...> writes:

> Also I may ask if you use streaming when there is no writer at the end? and if 
yes, how you enable streaming in this case?
> Thanks

You can use the following filter

> I have identified several ways for optimizing my code, but I was wondering if 
there are other things I could do. Here is what I have found until now:
> 1. For multi-channel images, the use of scalar images with FixedArray pixels 
gives a 1.5 speedup factor with respect to the use of VectorImage with scalar 
pixel types (I know the number of bands at compilation time).


> 2. Even though I need to work with real types for the computations (physical 
magnitudes between 0 and 1), I found that writing intermediate results to files 
using real types is much slower than multiplying the values by a large constant 
and writing the result to disk using integer types.

Reading/writing to disk can be a bottleneck.  Depending on the situation, 
writing to a tmpfs can be helpful.

> I was also wondering if there is a smart way to choose the number of streaming 
divisions for the writer in order to ensure that the memory footprint of my 
program does not goes beyond a given size (other than try and error).

Profiling software not specific to ITK can be helpful for both decreasing run 
times and memory footprints.  My preference is valgrind.

For determining bootlenecks, try the valgrind callgrind tool + kcachegrind.

For memory profiling, try the valgrind massif tool + ms_print that comes with 

> PS: If there are general guidelines for this kind of optimization, maybe there 
should be a chapter in the software guide or a wiki page for this topic?

A wiki article would be cool.


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