[Insight-users] ShapedNeighborhoodIterator problem
wanlinzhu at gmail.com
Mon Nov 15 01:41:28 EST 2010
For issue 5). I ran cross it before and make some changes in
itkNeighborhoodAlgorithm.txx. Here is the patch, For 5x5 image with kernel
size 3x3, the output of regions list are
ImageRegion (0xb8b830)
Dimension: 2
Index: [1, 1]
Size: [3, 3]
ImageRegion (0xb8b870)
Dimension: 2
Index: [0, 0]
Size: [1, 5]
ImageRegion (0xb8b8b0)
Dimension: 2
Index: [4, 0]
Size: [1, 5]
ImageRegion (0xb8b8f0)
Dimension: 2
Index: [1, 0]
Size: [3, 1]
ImageRegion (0xb8b930)
Dimension: 2
Index: [1, 4]
Size: [3, 1]
On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 11:37 AM, Dawood Masslawi <masslawi at gmail.com>wrote:
> - 1) If I'm going to do this type of thing:
> -
> - IteratorType::OffsetType top = {{0,-1}};
> - IteratorType::OffsetType bottom = {{0,1}};
> - IteratorType::OffsetType left = {{-1,0}};
> - IteratorType::OffsetType right = {{1,0}};
> -
> - Then get the pixels with:
> - iterator[top][0]
> -
> - is there an advantage to using the ShapedNeighborhoodIterator over
> just a NeighborhoodIterator?
> ------------------------------
> You can use offsets for both ShapedNeighborhoodIterator and regular
> NeighborhoodIterator, the difference is in performance. A regular
> NeighborhoodIterator would need more pixels to form a rectangular
> neighborhood (which artificially could be considered as a
> "ShapedNeighborhoodIterator" using offsets) but a
> ShapedNeighborhoodIterator would require less pixels in the neighborhood
> to form a shaped neighborhood, less pixels mean less memory allocation
> and less boundary checking which could remarkably improve the performance
> specially for large neighborhoods in large and multidimensional images
> plus,
> handling shaped neighborhoods is easier with
> the ShapedNeighborhoodIterator.
> ------------------------------
> - 2) If I do want to use the ShapedNeighborhood style, is this correct:
> -
> - IteratorType::IndexListType::const_iterator indexIterator =
> iterator.GetActiveIndexList().begin();
> - while (indexIterator != iterator.GetActiveIndexList().end())
> - {
> - std::cout << (int)iterator[*indexIterator][0] << " ";
> - ++indexIterator;
> - }
> ------------------------------
> Yes, the following is also a good practice:
> IteratorType::ConstIterator ci;
> for (ci = iterator.Begin(); ci != iterator.End(); ci++)
> {
> std::cout << ci.get() << std::endl;
> }
> ------------------------------
> - 3) If I loop over the ActiveIndexList using the FaceCalculator, is
> the idea that in all regions except the 0th region I need to do something
> like:
> -
> - IteratorType::IndexListType::const_iterator indexIterator =
> iterator.GetActiveIndexList().begin();
> - while (indexIterator != iterator.GetActiveIndexList().end())
> - {
> - bool valid;
> - iterator.GetPixel(*indexIterator,valid);
> - if(valid) { do something }
> - ++indexIterator;
> - }
> -
> - Alternatively, I could use 4 separate loops (one for each face
> region) where I know which neighbor isn't valid. I would have to modify the
> ActiveIndexList to reflect this missing pixel before each loop.
> ------------------------------
> Usually for neither of face calculator or neighborhood iterator you need to
> perform
> the boundary check yourself (notice that the iterator itself has to iterate
> over the
> boundary to check for its validity), the face calculator splits the image
> into boundary
> and non-boundary regions for the iterator to not to check for all of the
> pixels and
> only perform the boundary checking for pixels in the face region (pixels
> with distance
> from the image boundary equal or less than the neighborhood radius). This
> would also
> improve the performance specially for large datasets.
> ------------------------------
> - 4) I believe
> - iterator[top][0]
> - is equivalent to but faster than iterator.GetPixel(top). Is this
> correct?
> ------------------------------
> I'm not sure about this since I haven't seen a significant performance
> difference.
> -
> ------------------------------
> - 5) Am I correct that the face calculator returns overlapping regions?
> If I use a 5x5 image with a 3x3 kernel, it returns regions of size
> - 9
> - 5
> - 5
> - 5
> - 5
> -
> - totaling 29, when there are only 25 pixels. I don't see any functions
> to turn on/off this overlap. How is this usually handled?
> ------------------------------
> To the best of my knowledge this is still an unsolved issue which was
> brought up
> by other users in the list as well. Usually the face calculator assumes
> that the
> face region is far smaller than the non-boundary region which could be an
> issue
> for small images or very large neighborhoods.
> Regards,
> Dawood
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