[Insight-users] Question for SingleBitBinaryImage

Владимир Ткачук vova.tkachuk at gmail.com
Tue Nov 30 10:20:16 EST 2010

Hi Dan!

Thanks for the answer. I added the review to the article
(http://www.insight-journal.org/user/view/2806), excuse me if it is
not so good, but I do not have a lot of experience in reviewing.

As a possible solution, that guaranties safe multi-thread access I
used combination of SingleBitBinaryImage and SliceContiguousImage. So,
I created my image type, similar to SliceContigouousImage, but each
slice is a buffer where each bit means a pixel (like in
SingleBitBinaryImage). If I understood ITK multi-threading right, in
case of 3-d image it would not share one 2-d slice with different

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