[Insight-users] ITK Image registration within Matlab -> Segmentation Violation

Guitarum guillaume.salvai at sanofi-aventis.com
Tue Oct 12 03:48:00 EDT 2010

Hello everybody, 

I'am attempting to perform an image registration using ITK. 
First of all, I've done it within Visual Studio, and it works perfectly. 

Now, I simply want to implement this within Matlab, using mexFunction. 
I copy what I had done, with no input/output argument for the mexFunction. 
I added the useful include files and libraries, and it compiles well.
However, I got a Segmentation Violation while running the programme .mex32 

Then I investigate and the problem seems to come from a itkImageRegistration
Here is a code which sheds light on the problem that I didn't manage to
handle ..  (it isn't my entire code, but the rest works well). I comment it
explaining the tests I've done. 


// MEX 
#include "mex.h" 

// ITK 
#include "itkTranslationTransform.h" 
#include "itkMattesMutualInformationImageToImageMetric.h" 
#include "itkImageRegistrationMethod.h" 

const      unsigned int   Dimension = 3; 
typedef   unsigned char  PixelType; 
typedef   float          InternalPixelType; 

typedef itk::Image< InternalPixelType, Dimension > InternalImageType; 
typedef itk::MattesMutualInformationImageToImageMetric< InternalImageType,
InternalImageType > MetricType; 
typedef itk::TranslationTransform< double, Dimension> TransformType; 
typedef itk::ImageRegistrationMethod< InternalImageType , InternalImageType
> RegistrationType; 

 // The program entry point 
 void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], 
                 int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) 
    mexPrintf("Begin !\n"); 
    // Test of MetricType. It exists and the function
SetNumberOfHistogramBins works. 
    MetricType::Pointer metric = MetricType::New(); 
    metric->SetNumberOfHistogramBins( 50 ); 
    // Test of transformType. OK.
    TransformType::Pointer transform = TransformType::New(); 
    TransformType::ParametersType testTransf(3); 
    mexPrintf("OK1 !\n"); 

    // That part doesn't crash. So I guess RegistrationType is correctly
    RegistrationType::ParametersType testReg(3); 
    mexPrintf("OK2 !\n"); 
    // It crashes here ! Segmentation Violation. 
    RegistrationType::Pointer reg = RegistrationType::New(); 

I found that the last code line crashes, although it is a basic object
Furthermore, it works for TransformType and MetricType, and those are very
similar to Registration Type. 

I'm somehow a newbie with ITK, so it might be a basic mistake. But I can't
find it, besides it works within VC++ ... 
Does anybody have an idea? I'll be very grateful for any help.

Thanks very much in advance, 

View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/ITK-Image-registration-within-Matlab--%3E-Segmentation-Violation-tp29940926p29940926.html
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