[Insight-users] Region extraction from watershed segmentation output

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Sun Oct 17 07:40:57 EDT 2010

Hi Sebastien,

1) Yes, you could simply use the


    and set the threshold values to match
    the label that you want to extract.

2)  Once you extract that label,
     you could generate a surface by
     converting the image to vtkImageData
     and using the vtkContourFilter.

See examples in




2010/10/7 Sébastien Wilfart <swilfart at gmail.com>

> Hi!
> I would like to extract a specific region from the ouput of a watershed
> segmentation. The output of the segmentation filter is a labeled image where
> each pixel is assigned an unsigned long integer label that groups it within
> a connected region.
> 1) Is it possible to get the label corresponding to a specific region (for
> example, by specifiying a pixel belonging to the region of interest) ?
> 2) Is it possible to extract the surface corresponding to a specific region
> (for example, by specifying the region's label) ?
> Thanks for your help
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