[Insight-users] Deformation field

Nicholas Tustison ntustison at gmail.com
Tue Sep 14 09:44:38 EDT 2010

Hi Vincent,

Good point and it's something we're in the process of considering ('we' as in the itkv4 registration team) since we perform transformations all the time using deformation fields.  We'll try to keep everybody posted using the registration wiki.


Nick Tustison

On Sep 14, 2010, at 9:23 AM, Vincent Garcia wrote:

> Dear all,
> It seems that a deformation field (also called displacement field) is always represented by a itk::Image.
> I was wandering why there is no itk::DisplacementField object which inherit from itk::Transform.
> I know that such a field is just an array that it can be efficiently represented by an image.
> However, I think it would be better to have a dedicated object since a transformation is not an image!
> But maybe defining such object is not possible, I don't know...
> I anybody has an idea why there is no deformation field object in ITK?
> Thank you all!
> Regards,
> Vincent
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