[Insight-users] itk filters and memory use

devieill at irit.fr devieill at irit.fr
Tue Sep 21 05:59:57 EDT 2010

Hi all,

still on benching my progs on a 4g ram 2 core laptop, I face an ugly issue :
code with iterators (thus not threaded) goes much faster than a code done
with the filters, of course this happens for "large" 3D images (starting
from 380^3 voxels).

So my questions are :
- are filters designed to save memory ?
- is it better to process data on each filter separately ( thus no chain
with connected input/output) from a memory point of view ?

To better explain my purpose, I want to compute the gradient of the Total
Variation in dimension 3 using the "beta" trick to ensure stability.

basically it look like, given an image src:

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