[Insight-users] LabelObject OCR with numbers

Christian Werner christian.werner at rwth-aachen.de
Mon Sep 27 11:37:32 EDT 2010

  Weird, weird, weird. This really worked! How can a Centroids 
X-position differ between two numbers that are _vertically_ mirrored?

Here is what I get:

0:  Size: 18 - Elongation: 1.44449 - Flatness: 1.44449 - Centroid: 5,7 - 
dif: 2
1:  Size: 10 - Elongation: 3.65503 - Flatness: 3.65503 - Centroid: 20,7 
- dif: 1
2:  Size: 15 - Elongation: 2.06489 - Flatness: 2.06489 - Centroid: 35,7 
- dif: 2
3:  Size: 15 - Elongation: 1.86812 - Flatness: 1.86812 - Centroid: 50,7 
- dif: 2
4:  Size: 16 - Elongation: 1.63288 - Flatness: 1.63288 - Centroid: 65,7 
- dif: 2
5:  Size: 17 - Elongation: 1.7793 - Flatness: 1.7793 - Centroid: 81,7 - 
dif: 2
6:  Size: 19 - Elongation: 1.54404 - Flatness: 1.54404 - Centroid: 95,7 
- dif: 1
7:  Size: 12 - Elongation: 2.50164 - Flatness: 2.50164 - Centroid: 108,8 
- dif: 1
8:  Size: 19 - Elongation: 1.53748 - Flatness: 1.53748 - Centroid: 123,7 
- dif: 2
9:  Size: 19 - Elongation: 1.54404 - Flatness: 1.54404 - Centroid: 138,7 
- dif: 2

...but I don't get it. :) Anyway, thanks alot Sergio and Juan!

Best regards,

Am 27.09.2010 17:25, schrieb Juan Vidal:
> What about using Sergio's idea in a "per-number" basis?
> You could substract the x-positoin of the leftmost pixel of the number 
> to its CentroidX, and maybe that result will help you to differenciate 
> both numbers.
> Good luck!
> 2010/9/27 Christian Werner <christian.werner at rwth-aachen.de 
> <mailto:christian.werner at rwth-aachen.de>>
>     Thanks for the response, but the CentroidX already changes with
>     the position of the number. So if I am analyzing a sequence of
>     numbers "146998" the CentroidX will be different than in the
>     sequence "6138549".
>     This is really funny, who is responsible for that? Why use 9
>     symbols to represent 10 digits? :)
>     Am 27.09.2010 17:02, schrieb Sergio Vera:
>>     Hello
>>     Maybe it's a crazy/stupid/already tried idea but, what about
>>     adding CentroidX to the list of features? I would say that '6'
>>     should have the centroid more to the left and '9' more to the
>>     right...
>>     HTH
>>     Sergio
>>     On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 4:44 PM, Christian Werner
>>     <christian.werner at rwth-aachen.de
>>     <mailto:christian.werner at rwth-aachen.de>> wrote:
>>          Hi!
>>         I am doing a nice little OCR for some numbers. See the
>>         attached image. I can identify each number as an object. When
>>         I look at each object's attributes, I see a fatal similarity
>>         between the number '6' and '9':
>>         0: Size: 18 - Elongation: 1.44449 - Flatness: 1.44449 -
>>         CentroidY: 6
>>         1: Size: 10 - Elongation: 3.65503 - Flatness: 3.65503 -
>>         CentroidY: 6
>>         2: Size: 15 - Elongation: 2.06489 - Flatness: 2.06489 -
>>         CentroidY: 6
>>         3: Size: 15 - Elongation: 1.86812 - Flatness: 1.86812 -
>>         CentroidY: 6
>>         4: Size: 16 - Elongation: 1.63288 - Flatness: 1.63288 -
>>         CentroidY: 6
>>         5: Size: 17 - Elongation: 1.7793 - Flatness: 1.7793 -
>>         CentroidY: 6
>>         6: Size: 19 - Elongation: 1.54404 - Flatness: 1.54404 -
>>         CentroidY: 6
>>         7: Size: 12 - Elongation: 2.50164 - Flatness: 2.50164 -
>>         CentroidY: 7
>>         8: Size: 19 - Elongation: 1.53748 - Flatness: 1.53748 -
>>         CentroidY: 6
>>         9: Size: 19 - Elongation: 1.54404 - Flatness: 1.54404 -
>>         CentroidY: 6
>>         Which means, that I can't distinguish '6' from a '9'. Does
>>         anybody have any idea how I could do that?
>>         Best regards,
>>         Christian
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>>     -- 
>>     Sergio Vera
>>      Alma IT Systems
>>      C/ Vilana, 4B, 4º 1ª
>>      08022 Barcelona
>>      T. (+34) 932 380 592
>>     www.alma3d.com <http://www.alma3d.com>
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> -- 
> Juan Vidal Allende

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