[Insight-users] converting Image Type

Sarah Waldron sarah.waldron11 at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 27 14:00:43 EDT 2010

I have a DWI *nrrd image with these properties:
type: short
dimension: 4
size: 26, 256, 256, 49

I want to convert this image to another Diffusion weighted image that is in *.nii.gz format instead.
I wrote up this ITK code (attached) but it's giving me this error when I run it:

sarah at sarah-laptop:~/Desktop/nrrd2nii$ ./VectorImageReadWrite ../TEST_SUBJECT/DWI.nrrd ../TEST_SUBJECT/DWI.nii.gz
ExceptionObject caught !

itk::ExceptionObject (0x8560fb0)
Location: "virtual bool itk::ImageIOBase::SetPixelTypeInfo(const std::type_info&)" 
File: /home/sarah/InsightToolkit-3.10.2/Code/IO/itkImageIOBase.cxx
Line: 461
Description: itk::ERROR: NiftiImageIO(0x85611e0): Pixel type currently not supported. typeid.name = N3itk6VectorIsLj26EEE

Can someone point out what I could be doing

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