[Insight-users] Small discrepancy after applying registration transform

Patrik Brynolfsson patrik.brynolfsson at radfys.umu.se
Fri Apr 1 09:40:58 EDT 2011

Thank you for the tip!

I found the solution if someone encounters a similar problem:

The calculation of the position vector P2 was incorrect, it should have

V2 = M*(V - O).

Now it is fine.

|   Patrik Brynolfsson
|   Ph.D. student at Dept of Radiation Physics
|   Umeå University
|   SE-901 87 Umeå
 |   Sweden
|   Phone: +46 (0)90 785 2296

2011/4/1 Johnson, Hans J <hans-johnson at uiowa.edu>

>  There is an insight journal article called "ResampleInPlace". That
> provides code to do this.
> Sent from my iPad
> On Apr 1, 2011, at 5:16 AM, "Patrik Brynolfsson" <
> patrik.brynolfsson at radfys.umu.se> wrote:
>   Hello,
>  I have a little problem that I think is just down to some small detail in
> my understanding of DICOM and ITK. I want avoid resampling an image when
> applying a rigid transform by applying the transform to the directional
> cosines (C) and the position vector (V) of the image instead. I do this by
> first getting the rotation matrix (M) and the offset (O) from the transform
> (an Euler3DTransform) and setting the new directional cosines as the matrix
> multiplication of the rotation matrix and the directional cosines,
>  C2=M*C,
>  and the new position vector as
>  V2 = M*V + O.
>  I noticed that in order to get correct results I must subtract the offset
> O, so
>  V2 = M*V - O.
>  I check the result by resampling my new image using an identity transform
> and my fixed image as reference and then take the difference between them.
> The result is slightly worse than if I just resample my original moving
> image with the resulting transform of the registration. I use bsplines  = 3
> when resampling in both cases. It seems that my way of applying the
> transform is off by a voxel or so.
>  What am I doing wrong? Since I wanted to add the offset instead of
> subtracting it I guess I don't fully understand the parameters I'm working
> with so I guess I'm making more mistakes. Can someone point them out to me?
> Maybe there is already a filter that does what I want to do?
>  Thanks in advance!
>  Regards
> ===================================
> |   Patrik Brynolfsson
> |   Ph.D. student at Dept of Radiation Physics
> |   Umeå University
> |   SE-901 87 Umeå
>  |   Sweden
> |   Phone: +46 (0)90 785 2296
>  ===================================
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