[Insight-users] image ~> binary threshold?

G G greenlander1986 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 8 17:28:59 EDT 2011

Hi I would like to convert image to binary image.
I have mha/mhd image in 3D in grayscale.
So I ask you, how should I convert my image to binary image?
I tried to use binary threshold image filter. But when I use it, I dont get
black&white image, black&dark gray&white image
I am using this code bellow

  typedef itk::BinaryThresholdImageFilter <ImageType, ImageType>
  BinaryThresholdImageFilterType::Pointer thresholdFilter =

  thresholdFilter->SetOutsideValue( 0 );
  thresholdFilter->SetInsideValue(  255  );
  thresholdFilter->SetLowerThreshold( 10 );
  thresholdFilter->SetUpperThreshold( 255 );

where could be problem? Thanks for ideas :)
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