[Insight-users] Enlarging an image

Bill Lorensen bill.lorensen at gmail.com
Sun Apr 10 12:24:15 EDT 2011

Here is an example that resamples a dicom study:

On Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 12:05 PM, Francis Girard <francis.girard07 at gmail.com
> wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to enlarge an image using a bicubic interpolation. I'm not
> sure how. Yes I am a beginner.
> I see there is the InterpolateImagePointsFilter filter but the usage of the
> method SetInterpolationCoordinate which takes a complete itk::Image with
> special parameters types seems very strange to me.
> I also see there is the ResampleImageFilter. But I am a bit loss with all
> you can do with this when looking at the manual.
> And there is also the world/physical coordinates spaces.
> So between all this I am bit loss. What is the simplest way to enlarge and
> interpolate an image in ITK? Is there an example somewhere showing _just_
> this?
> Thank you very much
> Francis Girard
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