[Insight-users] Local texture Features

M.Staring at lumc.nl M.Staring at lumc.nl
Fri Apr 29 04:42:59 EDT 2011


The following at least provides code to get plain GLCM operators working:




-----Original Message-----
From: insight-users-bounces at itk.org [mailto:insight-users-bounces at itk.org] On Behalf Of Neal R. Harvey
Sent: donderdag 28 april 2011 18:15
To: insight-users at itk.org
Subject: Re: [Insight-users] Local texture Features

Neil Panjwani Wrote: 

>I'm interested in computing local texture maps. I found a few filters 
>in ITK, including the 
>which does compute many of the features I'm interested in. However, it 
>does so over an entire image, a masked image, or given a cooccurrence 
>matrix (which is usually generated from the entire image) and only 
>returns one texture value for each feature given that input. I'd like 
>to compute these features locally, in say a 9x9 neighborhood much like 
>the MATLAB function
>entropyfilt() (
>How can I utilize these filters to compute local features?

    I am also very interested in doing exactly the same thing.
    For example, if I have a segmentation and a number of objects   
    labeled in an image, I would like to get texture measures for each 
    individual object.

    When I looked into this I wasn't even able to get the code for the     
    ITK plain vanilla GLCM operators working properly, let alone 
    something more complicated. In the end, I went to OpenCV and 
    modified some of the code there to do what I needed.

    If anyone can provide examples of code that successfully implements
    the ITK GLCM operators, that can provide results that correlate well
    with applying some other GLCM tools such as those available in 
    matlab, it would be very much appreciated. If anyone is able to 
    provide a solution to the more complicated problem as elucidated by
    Mr Panjwani, that would be wonderful.


HARVE (Neal R. Harvey)           Email: harve at lanl.gov
ISR-2                            Phone: 505 667 9077
Los Alamos National Laboratory   Fax: 505 664 0362
Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA        Mail Stop: D-436
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