[Insight-users] itk example data

Dženan Zukić dzenanz at gmail.com
Wed Aug 3 03:44:10 EDT 2011

Certainly not for all the examples. For deformable model maybe, but I don't
know where. Try checking out deformable examples in insight applications,
maybe you can find a hint there.

On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 03:50, li xiuli <xl.li.ia.ac at gmail.com> wrote:

> thanks!
> I mean does it exit the data that is just for the examples?
> take the \Examples\Segmentation\DeformableModel1.cxx for example,
> is there any data like DeformableModel1.mha?
> 2011/8/2 Dženan Zukić <dzenanz at gmail.com>
>> There are many datasets available online. One possible starting point is
>> this:
>> http://www.itk.org/ITK/resources/links.html
>>   2011/8/2 li xiuli <xl.li.ia.ac at gmail.com>
>>>   Hi,all
>>> dose anybody know where to download the example data and testing data?
>>> the itk package contains some data, but it's not complete.
>>> for example, \Examples\Segmentation\DeformableModel1.cxx
>>> it doesn't define the data name, then I cannot find the corresponding
>>> data.
>>> so can we download this data from web or we should generate data ourself?
>>> thanks a lot!
>>>  Best Regards,
>>> Xiuli Li
>>> 2011-08-02
>>> __________________________________________________________________________________________
>>> Xiuli Li, PhD Candidate
>>> Organization: Medical Image Processing and Analyzing Group, Institute of
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