[Insight-users] Using ExtractImageFilter in a loop

Kevin Zhang zhangk at uchicago.edu
Tue Aug 9 13:48:52 EDT 2011

Hello all,

I am attempting to implement a grid-based thresholding algorithm over a 
3D image volume. I am trying to use ExtractImageFilter to extract 2D 
square subregions from each slice in the volume. Code is as follows:

ExtractFilterType::Pointer ExtractSquareFilter = ExtractFilterType::New();
     for(unsigned int i = 0; i < numslices; i++)
         // extract grid square, iterating across row and column of slice
         for(unsigned int sr = 0; sr < num; sr++)
             for(unsigned int sc = 0; sc < num; sc++)
                 FloatImageType::RegionType gsquare_region;
                 FloatImageType::RegionType::IndexType gsquare_index;
                 gsquare_index[0] = sc * sidelength;
                 gsquare_index[1] = sr * sidelength;
                 gsquare_index[2] = i; // set slice
                 Float2DImageType::Pointer square = 
                 std::cerr << "Grid square extracted successfully" << 

The input dataset is a series of 128x128 images. I am currently trying 
to divide each slice into a 4x4 grid, where each square would be 32x32.

The errors I get when executing are:
TImage*, const typename TImage::RegionType&) [with TImage = 
itk::OrientedImage<float, 2u>]: Assertion `Region ImageRegion (0xbf7ff6ec)
   Dimension: 2
   Index: [0, 0]
   Size: [32, 32]
  is outside of buffered region ImageRegion (0x97d3680)
   Dimension: 2
   Index: [32, 0]
   Size: [32, 32]
' failed.

I have tried several things to fix this, including:
1. Instantiate the ExtractImageFilter inside the loop
2. Use UpdateLargestPossibleRegion() instead of Update() on 

Thanks in advance for any insights! No pun intended.)

Kevin Zhang
Student Research Assistant
Department of Radiology / Cancer Research Center
University of Chicago

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