[Insight-users] Help with using itk::QuadEdgeMesh

Vimal Singh vimal.singh at utexas.edu
Sun Aug 21 15:10:59 EDT 2011

Hi all,

I'm currently trying to extract smooth meshes from binary masks. In 
summary, I use  "itk:: BinaryMask3DMeshSource " followed by a 
itk::AntiAliasBinaryImageFilter and use "vtkPolyDataReader" and 
"vtlPolyDataWriter" to handle the generated masks and its dumps.  
Everything seems its just that since I have large segmented volume at 
real fine resolution I get a lot of vertices and faces for the 
Triangular mesh that gets generated. I wanted to decimate the number of 
triangles. Found Online it could done using itk::QuadEdgeMesh. Copied 
and Modified the code appropriately. The code compiles just fine but I 
get linker errors. Now, I'm not a expert and would appreciate how I get 
rid of these. I'm unable to find which lib would need to be linked for 
this (but I'm not even sure if this is the solution path) ?

Here is the part of the BUILD dump:

convertMaskToSmoothMesh.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol 
"public: class itk::QuadEdge * __thiscall itk::QuadEdge::GetLnext(void)" 
(?GetLnext at QuadEdge@itk@@QAEPAV12 at XZ) referenced in function "public: 
class itk::GeometricalQuadEdge<unsigned long,unsigned long,bool,bool,1> 
* __thiscall itk::GeometricalQuadEdge<unsigned long,unsigned 
(?GetLnext@?$GeometricalQuadEdge at KK_N_N$00 at itk@@QAEPAV12 at XZ)
1>convertMaskToSmoothMesh.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external 
symbol "public: class itk::QuadEdge * __thiscall 
itk::QuadEdge::GetRnext(void)" (?GetRnext at QuadEdge@itk@@QAEPAV12 at XZ) 
referenced in function "public: class itk::GeometricalQuadEdge<unsigned 
long,unsigned long,bool,bool,1> * __thiscall 
itk::GeometricalQuadEdge<unsigned long,unsigned 
(?GetRnext@?$GeometricalQuadEdge at KK_N_N$00 at itk@@QAEPAV12 at XZ)
1>convertMaskToSmoothMesh.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external 
symbol "public: class itk::QuadEdge * __thiscall 
itk::QuadEdge::GetDnext(void)" (?GetDnext at QuadEdge@itk@@QAEPAV12 at XZ) 
referenced in function "public: class itk::GeometricalQuadEdge<unsigned 
long,unsigned long,bool,bool,1> * __thiscall 
itk::GeometricalQuadEdge<unsigned long,unsigned 
(?GetDnext@?$GeometricalQuadEdge at KK_N_N$00 at itk@@QAEPAV12 at XZ)


Vimal Singh
PhD Student
ECE Dept.
Univ of Texas, Austin

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