[Insight-users] How To Build Exerceises in "InsightSoftwareConsortium-ITK-OpenCV-Bridge-Tutorial"

Sun Dec 11 21:55:36 EST 2011

I am interested in learning how to build ITK with OpenCV (by  CMake) under Visual Studio 2010. My current platform configuration includes the following:

1. Window 7 (64-bit)

2. ITK (version 3.20.1, 64-bit)

3. OpenCV (version 2.2., 64-bit)

4. CMake 2.8.5

I downloaded "InsightSoftwareConsortium-ITK-OpenCV-Bridge-Tutorial-ea3819b.zip", and "ITKOpenCVBridgeTutorial.pdf". I can't build them the projects contained in  "InsightSoftwareConsortium-ITK-OpenCV-Bridge-Tutorial-ea3819b.zip" under Window 7, CMake 2.8.5, and Visual Studio 2010. By reading the "ITKOpenCVBridgeTutorial.pdf", I found that I need to install the VitualBox on my machine (VirtualBox-4.0.8-71778-Win.exe (Windows)), and I did so. The tutorial also instruct me to import the following files, which I can't find in your site, for preparation of building the files in  "InsightSoftwareConsortium-ITK-OpenCV-Bridge-Tutorial-ea3819b.zip":

a. "859d59f9-ed19-4aa2-9cd6-a852ba47cdac.vmdk"

b. "OpenCV-ITK.ovf"

I understand that you have distributed these files (a and b) on a USB drive or a DVD. Are they available for downloading? If not, how can I access them so that I can go through your tutorial files?

Your help will be greatly appreciated.




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