[Insight-users] crash with release build - not because of uninitialized variable?

Bill Lorensen bill.lorensen at gmail.com
Wed Dec 14 11:40:58 EST 2011

On Windows there is only one dll created: ITKCommon. If you build
static, you should see very little difference in size of your


On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 9:53 AM, John Drescher <drescherjm at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 9:13 AM, Ryan Guan <ryan.guan at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Thank you. That seems to be the case (!!), both test executables loaded the
>> debug DLL of ITK!!
>>  and I realized that I did install ITK as I built 'ALL_BUILD'.
>> Shall I disable BUILD_SHARED_LIBS and do a  re-build?
> That would make live easier since it will then do static linking.
>> Curiously, how does the application build know shall it link a static lib or
>> a DLL? does it read the ITK's configuration flag?
> When you have BUILD_SHARED_LIBS on ITK will create shared libraries
> (dlls on windows) and your application will link to these.
>> And to make sure, this will not affect the performance/speed of the code but
>> only the size of the executable?
> Yes.
> John
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