[Insight-users] CfP - 12th Libre Software Meeting, Strasbourg, France

Johan Moreau Johan.Moreau at ircad.fr
Mon Feb 14 17:51:28 EST 2011

                           LSM/RMLL 2011
                     12th Libre Software Meeting
                          July 9-14, 2011
                         Strasbourg, FRANCE

                  Call For Papers and Participation
                      limited on health topic
         [we apologize for duplicate receipt of this message]

Dear Colleague,

The 12th Libre Software Meeting will be taking place in Strasbourg,
France, between 9th and 14th July 2011 (http://www.rmll.info/). LSM
is a non-commercial cycle of conferences, round tables and practical
workshops around the Libre Software and its users. The objective is
to provide a place where users, developers and actors of the Libre
Software can exchange. Attendance is free and open to everybody.
Various issues will be tackled. This year, the health issue will be
central and will be organized around 3 major axes:

* Accessibility, autonomy and dependency management
* Hospital information system & Telehealth
* Imaging & visualization of medical data

Thanks to the health issue, the LSM committee aims at disseminating
and improving the Libre projects in that domain. For a better
targeting of the various exchanges that will be taking place, the
programme committee of the health issue proposes several kinds of

* "Solution" meetings, with conferences or round tables to present
solutions dedicated to previous axes.
* "State of the art" conferences between practitioners, developers
and scientists to discuss about what exists according to the
specific needs of users, what works well or a little less well, to
talk about approaches...
* "Technical" presentations between developers and scientists. This
will allow to initiate exchanges between communities which do not
necessarily have the opportunity to meet and will maybe lead to new
collaborations or projects.

Finally, a workshop area will be available in order to try out and
exchange around tools presented by their creators or by seasoned
users of those solutions.

Do you want to give a conference at LSM 2011 in July in Strasbourg ?
Specialized conferences will be held between 11th and 14th July. If
you cannot come along, but nevertheless think that the event is
interesting, please feel free to suggest one of the members of the
our project. In the same way, you are welcome to forward this message
to your contacts who may be able to take part on other projects.

The call for papers is available here:
And you can answer on :

Best regards,
Programm Commitee of the LSM 2011 health topic

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