[Insight-users] Mask image editing function in VTK?

Xiaopeng Yang yxp233 at postech.ac.kr
Sun Feb 20 11:20:05 EST 2011

Great information! Thanks a lot Karthik.


发件人: Karthik Krishnan [mailto:karthik.krishnan at kitware.com] 
发送时间: 2011년 2월 21일 월요일 오전 1:09
收件人: Xiaopeng Yang
抄送: insight-users at itk.org; vtk
主题: Re: [Insight-users] Mask image editing function in VTK?


Take a look at the paintbrush widgets we've included in VTKEdge (http://vtkedge.org/vtkedge/project/imagegallery.php). Its built on top of VTK.

On Sun, Feb 20, 2011 at 8:57 PM, Xiaopeng Yang <yxp233 at postech.ac.kr> wrote:

Hello all,


Is there any function in VTK which can edit the segmented mask images, like deleting some part or adding some part? By region growing method, I can get some organ, like liver from CT image. However, the results include adjacent tissues or miss some part of liver. Thus I need to delete the unwanted part or add the missing part.


Thanks very much,


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