[Insight-users] Getting a reference to a pixel from an iterator

David Doria daviddoria at gmail.com
Mon Feb 28 08:47:24 EST 2011

I often find myself doing:

itk::ImageRegionIterator<ImageType> imageIterator =
itk::ImageRegionIterator<ImageType>(image, region);
    PixelType pixel = image->GetPixel(imageIterator.GetIndex());
    // changing 'pixel' changes the actual pixel in the image since GetPixel
returns a reference

Is there a reason that the iterator can't return a reference like this? That

    PixelType pixel = imageIterator->Get();
    // changing 'pixel' does NOT change the actual pixel in the image since
Get does NOT return a reference

Even this doesn't work:

     PixelType* pixel = &(imageIterator->Get());

because it complains "warning: taking the address of a temporary" (and it is
correct, it doesn't not work correctly).

Any thoughts on this?

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