[Insight-users] ITK :read PET image

Dawood Masslawi masslawi at gmail.com
Tue Jan 11 09:16:19 EST 2011

It depends on the type of change you want to make however, basic
IO libraries can be found in the following directory:
"InsightToolkit-3.20.0\Code\IO". Since your image is in DICOM format
it is best to look at the GDCM and DICOM source codes first. If you
need to make more thorough changes in the source code you can trace
the headers. 
Hope this helps and let us know how it works out,
Dawood Almasslawi


i want to make a change on itk's files about reading PET images(.dcm) based on SUV
but i don't know where is theSource code about reading .
Can you help me! Thanks!

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