[Insight-users] Runtime error in 64-bit operating system on windows 7; prog working with 32 bit

anna han wan anna.han.wan at gmail.com
Fri Jul 1 11:24:56 EDT 2011

Dear itk users,

I'm using InsightToolkit-3.20.0, with Visual studio 2008 on 64-bit operating
system on windows 7.

My program is successfully buil but in run time I get the following error:

Unhandled exception at 0x000007fefd5eaa7d in main.exe: Microsoft C++
exception: itk::ExceptionObject at memory location 0x00abee88..

I run successfully the same program in my old machine (windows vista 32-bit)
and I use the same version of itk and VS.

Deos any one know what is exactly the problem? Is the current itk version
compatible with 64-bit operating system on windows 7?

Thank you in advance
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