[Insight-users] slicebysliceimagefilter crashes

Zoltan Seress seress.zoltan at gmail.com
Thu Jul 7 09:40:05 EDT 2011

Dear members,

My purpose is to search connected components on single slices of a 3d volume
(then compare the results), therefore I thought SliceBySliceImageFilter
would be a good choice to do this. I have 14 binary volumes, but by the half
of the images my program crashes with glibc errors.

My source is the following:

// I have a reader to read the input

typedef itk::ConnectedComponentImageFilter<ShortImageType, ShortImageType,
ShortImageType> ComponentFilterType;
ComponentFilterType::Pointer conn = ComponentFilterType::New();
conn->SetInput( reader->GetOutput() );

typedef itk::RelabelComponentImageFilter<ShortImageType, ShortImageType>
RelabelFilterType::Pointer relabel = RelabelFilterType::New();
relabel->SetInput( conn->GetOutput() );

for ( int i = 0; i <=2; ++i ) {

  std::cerr << i;

  typedef itk::SliceBySliceImageFilter<ShortImageType, ShortImageType,
ComponentFilterType, RelabelFilterType, ShortImageType, ShortImageType>
  SliceFilterType::Pointer slicer = SliceFilterType::New();
  slicer->SetInput( reader->GetOutput() );
  slicer->SetInputFilter( conn );
  slicer->SetOutputFilter( relabel );
  slicer->SetDimension( i );

  std::cerr << " done." << std::endl;

} // endfor



The output is:
0 done.
1 done.
2 done.
*** glibc detected *** ./SliceImageFilterTest: free(): invalid pointer:
0x00007f7b5684f010 ***

What could be the reason for this?

I have run these tests in an other test program, there were problems too,
not free() related, but: munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer.
And one case was: _int_malloc: Assertion `(unsigned long)(size) >= (unsigned
long)(nb)' failed

If i remove line "slicer->SetDimension( i );" everything is OK, but in this
case I get three (the same) 3D connected component labelmap. That is not I
want of course.

I use ITK 3.20 and glibc 2.11.1 and the input binary images are all valid
ones. Any hints?

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