[Insight-users] SignedDanielssonDistanceMapImageFilter and ContourExtractor2DImageFilter

Juan Cardelino juan.cardelino at gmail.com
Wed Jul 13 08:11:58 EDT 2011

        Please look at the attached example. This program takes a
distance map and an image, computes the zero level set of the distance
map and overlays it over the image. It is used to show segmentation
results. Look at the part that I extract the contour and it will
answer your question.
I will contribute this one later on, because I also ran into trouble
when trying to use the ContourExtractorFilter.
I hope this helps.

On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 6:53 PM, David Doria <daviddoria at gmail.com> wrote:
> In this example:
> http://www.itk.org/Wiki/ITK/Examples/WishList/LevelSets/SignedDanielssonDistanceMapImageFilter
> I have created a binary image of the outline of a square, and then
> attempted to extract the 0 level set, which I would expect to be the
> same square outline.
> The distance map looks correct, however, there seem to be 37 contours extracted:
> Contour 0 has 43 points.
> Contour 1 has 3 points.
> ...
> Contour 36 has 3 points.
> Contour 37 has 42 points.
> Can anyone explain how I would get it to extract just the contour that
> is expected?
> Thanks,
> David
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