[Insight-users] Multithreading in ITK

Juan Carlos Prieto prieto at creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Tue Jul 26 04:27:33 EDT 2011

Hi Rob,

Check itkImageSource, this abstract class has the methods to create a 
multithreaded algorithm.

virtual void ThreadedGenerateData(const OutputImageRegionType& 
outputRegionForThread, int threadId );
   virtual void AllocateOutputs();
   virtual void BeforeThreadedGenerateData();
   virtual void AfterThreadedGenerateData();

If they are implemented then when update is called, the algorithm will 
divide the image and call the corresponding number of threads.


Le 26/07/2011 00:03, robert behan a écrit :
> Hi there,
> I am developing an application for reconstructing MRI images and
> performing real time image processing ( i,e image processing ) as I
> would like to explore the effect of mutlitthreading on execution speed
> I am not exactly sure how multi-threading works in ITK so I would
> appreciate some guidance on this. Please correct me if any of the
> following is incorrect:.
> I originally assumed the user would have to write the code themselves
> if they want to implement multithreading, but as I understand it you
> are only required to do this if you are writing your own custom
> filter? In which case multithreading is already implicitly implemented
> in a lot of the ITK filters and is automatically used if your code
> runs on a multi-core processor?
> For example, if I apply the FFT filter to some kspace data, will it
> automatically execute on the 4 processors of my machine or do I need
> to explicitly tell it to do do?
> I presume if no multithreading libraries are specified when building
> iTK in cmake then the code will automatically execute on one
> processor?
> I did build ITK and checked the CMAKE USE WIN32 THREADS so I think my
> code should automatically run on the four processors but I am not sure
> how to check this? I checked the windows task manager when I executed
> my code and the four processors appear to fire up but I would like to
> verify this somehow in ITK?
> Also how can I set the number of processors I want my code to run on?
> Any guidance would be much appreciated,
> Rob
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Juan Carlos Prieto
Phd Student
CREATIS <http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr> Tel:+33472438918
7 Av Jean Capelle
69621 Villeurbanne Cedex
Personal page <http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/%7Eprieto>
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