[Insight-users] Problems creating image from raw data

Stefan König stefankoenig at gmail.com
Wed Jul 27 08:33:27 EDT 2011


i've got a big problem, while i'm trying to convert picture data from
raw data:

i'm doing it, way if found in this mailing list, but it wont work for
me, allways getting a null pointer exception.

thats the way i tried:

        boost::gil::rgb8_image_t gimg(800,600);

        typedef itk::RGBPixel<unsigned char> Pixels;
        typedef itk::Image<Pixels, 2> RGBImage;

   RGBImage::Pointer img;
   void * pimg = &img;
   convertGILtoItkImage<Pixels>(gimg, pimg);

and now, what im doing in convertGILtoItkImage(..)

        dstPixelType *localBuffer = (dstPixelType*) data;

        int bythelength = width*height*numChannels;
        dstPixelType * localBuffer2 = new dstPixelType[ width*height ];

        // copy buffer from gil image to new buffer, which will be owned by itk
        memcpy(localBuffer2, localBuffer, bythelength);

        // if set to true, itk will do memory managment
        const bool importImageFilterWillOwnTheBuffer = true;
        importFilter->SetImportPointer( localBuffer2, size[0]*size[1],
importImageFilterWillOwnTheBuffer );

        *pimg = importFilter->GetOutput();

        // hier geht alles, bild ist vorhanden wir geschrieben... kimg bekommt
irgendwoher nen desktruktoraufruf der alles kaputt macht :(
        typedef itk::ImageFileWriter<ImageType>  WriterType;
        WriterType::Pointer writer = WriterType::New();
        catch( itk::ExceptionObject & err )
                qDebug() << "ExceptionObject caught !";
                qDebug() << err.what();
        return  pimg->GetPointer()->Register();

if i write out my picture inside the conversion method, everything works
fine, but if i try to write it out it outside the method, i'm getting a
null pointer exception.

but i've no idea why?

can somebody help me?


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