[Insight-users] help needed with (2D) segmentation

Prashanth prashanth.dumpuri at gmail.com
Thu Jul 28 14:25:13 EDT 2011

  Thanks to your email, I figured out how to do it. 'am just posting my
pipeline here just in case someone else stumbles on it -

(here's the pipeline I used for 2D liver segmentation using ITK filters)

Input 2D slice ----> Curvature Flow Image Filter ----> Confidence Connected
--------------> Threshold Level Set Segmentation -----> median filter
    |----------------------------------------------> Rescale Intensity Image
Filter ----------------------------------------

( output from rescale intensity image filter = feature image for threshold
level set filter
   output from confidence connected filter = input image )

Thanks again,

On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 11:30 AM, Prashanth <prashanth.dumpuri at gmail.com>wrote:

> Dawood,
>    Thanks for getting back to me. So, are you suggesting that I pass my
> input image through a Sigmoid Image Filter to map the intensities to the
> same range as the binary image output by the confidence connected filter?
> Thanks again
> Prashanth
> On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 9:06 AM, Dawood AlMasslawi <masslawi at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi Prashanth,
>> I hope I have understood your question correctly! if you are trying to
>> intensify a certain range of intensity values the SigmoidImageFilter
>> is the way to go.
>> HTH,
>> Dawood
>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>> All,
>>    I'm working on 2D segmentation using ITK filters and right now my
>> pipeline looks like this:
>> Input 2D slice ----> Curvature Flow Image Filter ----> Confidence Connected
>> ----> Threshold Level Set Segmentation.
>> I'm using the input slice as the feature image for the level set filter and
>> the binary image outputted from the confidence connected as the input image
>> for the level set filter. Ideally I would like to set the intensity range of
>> the threshold level set filter to be the same that was computed by the
>> confidence connected filter. But for the level set filter, I have a binary
>> image as the feature image and the input 2D slice as the input image. How do
>> I ensure that the intensities match?
>> Thanks
>> Prashanth
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