[Insight-users] get the maximum pixel value using GetPixel() for 3D image

john smith mkitkinsightuser at gmail.com
Tue Jun 7 08:36:04 EDT 2011


I am trying to find the maximum pixel value of a 3D  image, and I am using
the GetPixel method with 3 loops.I want to load my image from a file so I
created a reader pointer.Does this pointer include the raw data of my image?
I have created the following code but I get an error: GetPixel() method is
not a member of reader. Could somebody tell me what I am doing wrong? How I
could find the maximum pixel value of a loaded image with the method of


  typedef short               InputPixelType;
  const   unsigned int        Dimension = 3;

  typedef itk::Image< InputPixelType,  Dimension >    InputImageType;
  typedef itk::ImageFileReader< InputImageType  >  ReaderType;

  ReaderType::Pointer reader = ReaderType::New();

     reader->SetFileName( fileName.toStdString()  );

       InputImageType::RegionType inputRegion =

  InputImageType::SizeType size = inputRegion.GetSize();

  // get the size of the hole 3D image
  size_x = size[0];
  size_y = size[1];
  size_z = size[2];

   InputImageType::IndexType start = inputRegion.GetIndex();
  start[0] =   0;  // first index on X
  start[1] =   0;  // first index on Y
  start[2] =   0;  // first index on Z

 int i,j,k;
 int max_value=0;
  for ( i=0;i<size_x;i++) {
      for ( j=0;i<size_y;j++){
          for ( k=0;i<size_z;k++){

              InputImageType::IndexType pixelIndex;
                pixelIndex[0] = i; // x position
                pixelIndex[1] = j; // y position
                pixelIndex[2] = k; // z position

                InputImageType::PixelType pixelValue = reader->GetPixel(
pixelIndex );


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