[Insight-users] rescale 3D volume and slice extract

john smith mkitkinsightuser at gmail.com
Thu Jun 9 05:39:43 EDT 2011

Hello to all,

I have a 3D volume image with pixel value [0,269] and I want to display a
slice of it. But I want to rescale it from [0,255], so except from the image
extract filter I am using a rescale image filter. My pipeline is:

   filter_rescale->SetInput( reader->GetOutput() );
   filter_extract->SetInput( filter_rescale->GetOutput() );
   writer->SetInput( filter_extract->GetOutput() );

As it seems I am using the rescale image filter after the reader. If I used
the rescale_filter after the filter_extract, then my results would be
different than using rescale_filter after reader?What is the correct in
processing raw data? To rescale the hole 3D volume, or just the extracted
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