[Insight-users] Problems with SparseImage

hanifa mohamed hanifa_email at yahoo.com.sg
Wed Jun 15 06:19:04 EDT 2011


      I was intending to use SparseImages in ITK. However, its been hard frustrating search. Firstly, the ITK doc makes no mention of it in the entire pdf. After some searching, I found a source in the InsightToolkit-3.14.0/Testing/Code/Common/itkSparseImageTest.cxx.

However, it seems that it is not possible to interchangabily use SparseImages and normal itk::Images.
I tried writing a SparseImage via FileWriter and also tried running some filters on them. But it spits out countless errors.

I have slightly modified the itkSparseImage.cxx to illustrate that point. I have attached that source code in this post. Pls run it and suggest if there any changes I can make.

My Questions : 1) Does ITK discourage the use of itk::SparseImage cos it has some inherent deficiencies ? There doesnt seem to be any documentation on it.
                       2) Is it possible to use SparseImages like normal itk::Images. Like I/O operations or usage of common filters. I saw there is only one filter,FiniteDifferenceSparseImageFilter which looks like specifically written for SparseImages. 

                       3) If the itk::SparseImage is not able to do the above, are there any alternatives ???

Even after countless googling, the online community didnt yield any concrete answers ?

Thanks for the help folks.

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